A review by simsbrarian
Florence Nightingale: The Courageous Life of the Legendary Nurse by Catherine Reef


This is nicely organized in chapters by roughly chronological order and written in a style that makes it nearly story-like while imparting details of Florence Nightingale's life and works. There is a decent notes section for each chapter (all at the back of the book) as well as a selected bibliography and index. Many pictures and portraits from Florence's life and the era are included (even some drawings done by her sister Parthenope); some in color and some in black and white or sepia. They add context and break up the pages nicely. Due to the story-like nature of the text, you also get a good flavor for the history of Europe and the World during her life: a bit on customs, dressing, politics and cultural happenings (as well as war and medical practices) which could appeal to fans of Downton Abbey style shows/stories.

Anything you didnā€™t like about it? Nothing

To whom would you recommend this book? Good for getting a solid (though aimed a younger audiences) biography of Florence Nightingale and moving beyond her couple years as a war nurse. Could be a great book for younger biographical reports or for older readers interested in this fascinating woman.

FTC Disclosure: The Publisher provided me with a copy of this book to provide an honest review. No goody bags, sponsorship, ā€œmaterial connections,ā€ or bribes were exchanged for my review.