A review by cdubiel
How to Talk When Kids Won't Listen: Whining, Fighting, Meltdowns, Defiance, and Other Challenges of Childhood by Joanna Faber, Julie King


So happy to see a sequel to How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen. This book covers a lot of the same ground, but it is an excellent reminder of the techniques that work. Since I read the first book, the number of meltdowns in our house have definitely decreased. My kids responded well to the tactics, specifically on problem-solving and how we approach issues where we disagree. They feel like they're part of the family but they also don't run roughshod over me - they know their dad and I are in charge. I also liked that in this book, the authors give plenty of specific situations so you can see how other parents have used the tactics, especially in tough spots like the ones listed in the title. You may have to be creative on some things, and you are not always going to come out feeling successful, but having the tips is half the battle.