A review by amy_inthelibrary
The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson


Apparently I'm one of few people who really liked this book, but I stand by my opinion! This was my first experience with Maureen Johnson, and I have to say that I really enjoy the way she writes; it appeals to a young audience in a way that sounds real, and doesn't feel like she's talking down. Everything in the book was well set up and flowed smoothly from one plot point to the next, peppered with information about the characters, the hype of the murders, the city of London, and of course Jack the Ripper.

I also appreciated that the main character, Rory, was written as an American with more on her mind than just, "oh my god, you guys call jackets jumpers?" or "let's take pictures in phone booths!" It can sometimes be painful reading about Americans abroad, but Johnson wrote it for what it was; a girl dealing with cultural differences in the best way she could find, trying to blend in rather than stick out like loud, rude American tourists often do.

This book might not be your cup of tea if you are looking for an intense psychological thriller. But as someone who picked it up on a whim from the library, I was riveted away to London with Rory and could not put it down. It keeps you guessing right up to the very end- and beyond!