A review by motherhorror
Brothel by Stephanie M. Wytovich


This book was Kindly given to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.

This collection of dark & erotic poetry has opened the door to a conversation I've had before but I get to enjoy having it again with you right now. How exciting!
It has always been highly interesting to me that horror fans (especially horror film enthusiasts) are typically comfortable with pushing the envelope in terms of gore & violence but as soon as that same envelope is pushed over to the *other* side of the table in regards to sexuality--NOW it's time to evaluate our thresholds and boundaries.
This has *never* made any sense to me.
EX. We are totally okay with a soul-sucking, child-killing demon clown ripping the arms off of children and pulling them down into his comic sewer lair, but preteens having some kind of emotional orgy (not even described in detail) is like WHOA PAPA! WTF Stephen King?!
I remember having a discussion about this with someone who was considering taking their 4 year old daughter to see Stephen King's IT and they were like fine with everything except if anything sexual were to happen, they'd just cover her eyes!
*shaking my head* Nudity & Sex is normal and natural. It's part of our lives. Mowing people over with cars, blowing their brains out and hacking them to pieces is ABNORMAL behavior. Get it right people. *eye roll*
Anyways, on to Stephanie's dark poetry. I have a background in horror erotica (I used to read my mom's collection of it, cut my teeth on some Anne Rice stuff and then read some anthologies). To be honest though, it was a phase that didn't blossom into a lasting love for the genre. I don't loathe it or anything, I'm just not seeking it out anymore.
Reading through this collection brought back a lot of old memories; being entertained by taboo, racy literature--but these days, it doesn't turn my head so much. And it's not to say Stephanie's work isn't good, she's very good. It's just not my cup of tea anymore. I would love to read some of her other dark poetry collections, yes I would.
I'd like to highlight some stand out pieces for me:
Casanova was a particular favorite and one that I think could be developed into a full novella or short story (please Stephanie??)
Hedonist, Justifiable and Lady Killer were some other stand outs, mostly because they had this noir vibe that I really enjoyed.
Readers should know this collection has graphic, explicit sexual language and *possible triggers for some women who have been sexually victimized.
*I say that not because Stephanie wrote anything demeaning or demoralizing but it's just a possibility