A review by tam_bam26
Call Me Cat by Karpov Kinrade


Honestly I give this book 3.5 stars. I really enjoyed it, but it's not quite a 4 star read...I try to be fair with my stars.

On to the review-I downloaded this book because it was listed in one of the freebie/cheap reads discussions, not really expecting much. I was pleasantly surprised. The main character Catelyn is in law school at Harvard and really struggling financially. She has no help because her parents were brutally murdered when she was a teen. To bring in some extra cash she decides to work at a phone sex operator. Add in the fact that her parents' killer keeps contacting her and a hot boy and you've got a great read. There are some things I rolled my eyes at but overall I like this one enough to want to pay for the next two parts. I've got some suspicions and I need to find out how things pan out.

Bottom line: I recommend and it's free so why not??