A review by naiapard
Sleeping with Monsters by Amelia Hutchins


《"My hair whipped against my face as the wind howled from the impending storm that was barreling down on Metaline Falls."》

This is how the book starts. A classic description of the surroundings, something plain and vague but exciting enough to make the reader go on. Which said reader did. \_(°◇°)_/

Kendra, the main character is a powerful witch with a huge problem (figured) that has something to do with Lucian Blackstone, but she can't remember exactly what or why because she has a memory loss (which is deductible from the first book).

Introduction: She, Kendra, is outside Lucian's Sex Club watching immortals and mortals blending with each other, having a great time plastered on the windows, walls or every seemingly patch of space available in the club. Kendra enters the club.
Kendra attracts Lucian's eye but he dosen't make any move toward her. But that's fine because the naughty 《"kitty"》 came to kidnap him.
The reason? There has to be an explanation why she keeps having feverishly hot dreams about him. Soooo Kendra wants answers, Kendra acts. Kendra decides to kidnap the guy.

(It may be argued that there are some faults in her logic and such extreme measures-kidnapping--wheren't really necessary. But what can you do? There has to be a way to connect point A with point B. And hula la la, point B is the cabin where those two get naked and things happen.)

I read the first book of the series ("Playing with Monsters") a year or two ago and at that time I was really into Hutchins's writing. I knew when I've started the second book that in this spam of the months between the first and this one, my tastes might suffer some changes. I told myself "Give it time" which I did.

I have to say, before anything else, I was so thrilled to stumble over it. It was like an unexpected present. Something that made by afternoon way better. For which I am grateful. Hutchins may not be for me that good as she was some years ago but she stills remains in the top. She truly has a way of hers to translate events into emotions, and create interesting situations. She writes risky scenarios with dark characters and taboo themes for whitch I respect her and I will continue to read almost anything she writes.

But Kendra really was a piece of something. As a character she is averagely build. She has some emotions, has some power, some past that she hardly can remember and an obsession with the male lead witch she can not shake it off even for a few moments so that the reader could see something else in that world beside Lucian's "thorne".

Kendra is build better than the most characters found in this genre but there is room for improvement.

Another issue that I have with the 'Kendra situation' is that she doesn't really gets the time on the page to prove that she is capable of doing something, anything that dosen't implies lying with someone. She is constantly followed by a male or males whitch would have been fine if not for those endlessly moments that for me personally seems cheesy and weak somehow. For example:

《“They can’t claim you like we can. When we claim, it does more than just mark you. It claims your soul at the same time. "》

It's bad. Really bad. If that's depth, we are swimming in a children's pool.

《“Unless of course he can’t breed, in which case, his mark and yours will be removed, Spyder,” I sighed heavily as I shook my head. "》

《“Unless of course he can’t breed, in which case, his mark and yours will be removed, Spyder,” I sighed heavily as I shook my head. “I have a bloodline to continue, and I want to be a mother someday. In fact, with everything happening around us, I’ve realized how fragile life is, and every day I have it drummed into my head from the coven how important it is to carry on my line. "》

(ok fair enough she has to do it so she could pass the legacy. Fine. But why is she using it as an excuse for every move she does? Is like she could not keep guilt in her, oh whait, maybe that's because her honeybunny keeps erasing her memories. )

《“And, kitty, if he can’t give you a powerful child, I sure as shit can.”
“You would do that for him? Because I’m not sure we’d work out, Spyder,” I laughed, trying to lighten the mood." 》 Tried you did.

Taken apart this moments may not seems as annoying or irritating or repetitive but they become a constant in the novel. Which, again, is not really a problem of technique but merely of taste, I believe.

In the end, I recommend salty chips and green olives that can go well with this reading. Dunno know bout you but the novel kind of gives me that taste: of olives and salt.

Happy reading. Happy living. :)