A review by dalidja
Gift by Andrea J. Buchanan


I have to applaud the interactive ending. Usually you finish a book, you put it down, and that's pretty much it. We here get to rate and review, and some just process the contents, before moving on. Generally this is where I get upset if there isn't a sequel. With Gift, I was upset, I wanted to witness Daisy and Kevin in action, realizing their full potential(because it's definitely not set in concrete.) I want more past-life stories, or more bonding moments for the couple. And as I was fuming: "WHY IS THIS NOT A SERIES???!", I was interrupted but the discovery of the Kevin, Vivi, and Danielle chapters. My wrath tamed, I perused the art, the diary, and then finally explored the music. At first I felt that Kevin sang the wrong story to Daisy, but I listened to Don't Look Back, one more time, and then one more time. And again, and again, and started singing it, and.. Fell. In. Love. with it. What other novels can catch your heart like that, really interact with the reader, without a movie? Bravo I say. Bravo.
Now I also have to side note that, yes, there are some issues within the book. Although I appreciated being able to know what happened in the background after I finished the book(when it wouldn't ruin it anymore,) there were some discrepancies. I somewhat agree with most readers whom drew issue with Daisy's inconsistent abilities, 'How can you use electronic necessities?' But personally I mused that this was probably an attempt to connect with younger viewers, 'Don't make her an outcast, but someone that anyone who's been grounded can relate to.'
I tried to ignore these things as I read. I also tried not to attempt strangling Daisy for being so daft and falling for the stupidest things and being a dick to her friends.
Now Gift is one of those books that you expect as an adult you can still fully enjoy if you read YA, but... I might beg to differ. Although I enjoyed it in the end, I still definitely saw it as what it was; a YOUNG teen read. Something I would have enjoyed significantly more at that age. Which is unfortunate, I really appreciate the authors than can span a wider audience age.

Netgalley read.