A review by cadiva
The Gardener and the Marine by RJ Scott


Oops, forgot to come back to this one.

RJ originally released this as a newsletter serial week by week but I held off on reading it as I wanted to wait til it was done.

It was worth it.

This is a sympathetic portrayal of the effects of combat and survivor guilt and how someone can offer a way by which a life can be given new purpose- but not cured or 'got over' by some magic dick.

Harrison isn't ever going to be free from the affects of seeing his Army buddies die and him being the only survivor.

But working with Toby in the gardens at the veteran's centre ground him and provide a connection he's not had with life for some time.

It's a slow burn, and that's as it should be, but there's no doubting it once these two men throw their all into making it work.

One of my favourites in the series .

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.