A review by christyheartsbooks
Doc by Penny Dee


Due to tragedies in his past Doc has been leading a straight edge life, no booze, no drugs and no women. He has his club, his brothers and his illegal medical practice. That is all needs. When he finds himself kidnapped by a rival club to help them with some medical issues, he knows that he may not make it out alive even if he does everything his kidnapper asks of him. But when Lily is kidnapped as well to assist Doc things get a bit more complicated.

I loved Doc and Lily's story. It was rough and there are triggers that happen off page but are discussed so this may not be the story for everyone. it was rough for me but I still loved it. These two were both beat down by life but managed to make a life worth living until the rival club kidnapped them both. But they found salvation, sanctuary and forever with each other. I really loved this story.