A review by bookish_kayy
The Fire Within: Conquered by Love by Shanna Swenson, J.D. Park, Evelyn Montgomery, Nicole Rodrigues, VR Baucke, Jennifer Soucy, S.S. Richards


First, and foremost, what an amazing cause, something definitely kept hush. These authors have joined force for something awesome, and they really gave us something great.

The prequels in here really hit hard, and have me on tenterhooks waiting for the full novels. Soon, right?
The novellas here were well written, and provided me with an insight I don’t think I could have gotten anywhere else.

The mom struggling? The vet? The person passing by on the street?
I saw a lot of POV’s in here that I would never.

An absolutely captivating anthology. Well worth the read and the contribution to an amazing cause.