A review by renacuajo
The Diviners, by Libba Bray


Read for the first time in December 2015

"She insisted on Knight for her last name. It made her feel strong and bold. A name of armor. For she would defend herself in this new life."

This book. O M G, this freakin' book. I couldn't get enough of it. I was hooked from the very first page and I didn't want to let go.

I loved Libba Bray's narrating style (I could picture everything perfectly), I loved the characters (some people had a problem with Evie but I really just think she was, after all, a teenager. Teens say and do the darnest things)... I loved how everyone's "abilities" were fitting to the era and not over the top and unbelieveable. Everyone had their backstory laid out beautifully, and then you could understand where everyone came from and why they hurt. It was a cluster of broken characters brought together in a beautiful way.

It wasn't all fun and games, though, because important topics were touched upon and not just simply glanced over. That includes racism, interracial relationships, religious fanatics, LGBT, and rape.

Just a beautiful, beautiful (and VERY creepy at times!) read! Can't wait to get my hands on the second book.