A review by brisbookreviews
Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown


Lies Beneath is about Calder a merman who lives in Lake Superior. He is the only brother of a murderous family of mermaids. Calder and his family kill humans to absorb their energy. Seeking their next victim for revenge, Calders' anger turns to love.

Lies Beneath was an interesting read. I loved that it was from the male..eh..mermale point of view. Calder was definitely interesting in a weird creepy conceited stalker yet gorgeous kind of way and Anne Greenwood Brown wrote the male point of view perfectly and is fantastic at describing backgrounds/scenes. I enjoyed that the romance aspect was not instant (yay!) and enjoyed reading build of the romance. The characters were well written and developed extremely well, especially Calder's sisters.

Lies Beneath was a good read. I recommend to YA and Adults!

Special Thanks to NetGalley and Random House Children's Books for providing an e-galley in exchange for an honest review.