A review by sarah42783
Dark Beyond the Stars: A Space Opera Anthology by Jennifer Foehner Wells, Patrice Fitzgerald, Elle Casey, Annie Bellet, David Gatewood, S.M. Reine, Susan Kaye Quinn, Julie E. Czerneda, Rysa Walker, Ann Christy, Blair C. Babylon, Theresa Kay, Autumn Kalquist


Disclaimer: there are eleven short stories in this collection. I only read two of them. [a:Annie Bellet's|4606262|Annie Bellet|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1296071565p2/4606262.jpg] and [a:S.M. Reine's|4721318|S.M. Reine|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1354336880p2/4721318.jpg]. Because I'm despicably picky like that.

Nos Morituri Te Salutamus by Annie Bellet: 4 stars.
Yeah yeah yeah, I know, this one isn't radically original, but it's entertaining and it's fast-paced and it's action-packed and it's deliciously darkish and there. Also, bloody shrimping brilliant female lead. Because Annie Bellet, so DUH. Also also, Annie Bellet wrote it. In case you didn't know. So QED and stuff.

Dragonet by S.M. Reine: 4 stars.
Because dragons. In bloody shrimping space. And because Enemy Mine-type feels. Also, bloody shrimping brilliant female lead. Because S.M. Reine, so DUH. Also also, S.M. Reine wrote it. In case you didn't know. So QED and stuff.

And now let's dance and stuff.