A review by aligeorge
An Intense Young Man at an Open Mic Night by Andrew Blair


I was lucky enough to get an advance copy of this book to read because I know the author. It's a debut collection of poems which are by turns funny, thoughtful, and weird.

On first reading, my favourite line in the book was ‘She was never meant to arrange trout into a fan pattern on a daily basis’. We can all relate to that, I'm sure. I also really liked the poem ‘You’ve Let Yourself Down, You’ve Let The Team Down’, and 'A Dialogue Between River and Poet' made me laugh out loud.

There's a lot of other great stuff in there which I've seen the author perform live several times - things like 'You Cannae Shove Your Granny Aff A Bus' and 'Eeyore's Descent Into Nihilism' - but if you've not come across him before it's a good introduction. Also - and I think this is important for a poetry book - it's quite an accessible piece of new Scottish writing.