A review by em_thebookish_girl
The Beneath (Behind the Wall, #1). by Roxanna C Revell


The Beneath is a dystopian and book #1 in Behind the Wall series. Normally, I don't really read many dystopian novels, I find it hard to relate to them.  The Beneath is certainly a unique plot. Although, it did take me a while for me to get into the story. However, after a couple of chapters in it really picked up. I was truly amazed at how the storyline unfolded; it was a thrilling experience and I didn't want it to end! The story begins from the heroine, Eve's past, it proceeds on like this for a while leading up to the present. I liked how the author created this setting, that she didn't go back and forth in time, hence sometimes I find it a bit tiring to keep up when it's like that. Roxanna C. Revell pleasantly surprised me with her writing technique. The build up and character development is outstanding! You could say that The Beneath is both a plot and character driven book. And let's not forget about the plot twists!! I mean, as soon as one plot twist happens, not too shortly another one occurs. And the ending!!! I can't wait for book 2!

I loved the interactions between Eve and her brother Adam. Eve's character growth throughout the book was amazing!! To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of Noah (hero). Although, there were some scenes that made me warm up to him a little bit. I'm not over the moon for him, but I don't dislike him either. He's the type of character when you want to hate him, but you can't. I absolutely loved Sister Theresa!! She's definitely one of my favorite characters! She's like a mother figure to Eve and Adam.  The only negative that I have is with Eve's behavior towards Noah. She was always coming up with excuses for his behavior and justifying it. I mean, I get that she loves him and all. I don't know, I found it just a little bit annoying for my taste. Roxanna C. Revell continued to surprise me as I read the second half of the book. Eve's character developed even more! I don't want to give any spoilers away, but there was a devastating incident and it shattered Eve. My heart went out to her. Hence, no matter how it destroyed her in every way, Eve was finally able to find her voice to fight back.

A wall separates two sides; a division dividing The Beneath and The Other Side. Children who were born out of wedlock is consider a crime. And as a form of punishment, the children were sent to The Beneath, from The Other Side. Eve is an orphan; she has been living at St Martin or The Church with her brother Adam, for most of her life. You could say that she was living a peaceful life, until now. Eve is in a secret relationship with Noah Joysen, a Founding Family Trueborn. When Noah's family and The Council becomes aware of their relationship, Eve's life is never going to be the same.

**I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review