A review by cweichel
Haunted Hills and Hanging Valleys: Selected Poems 1969-2004 by Peter Trower


I've been browsing through collections of Peter Trower's poetry and decided finally, to just dig in and finish one of them start to finish.
It took me a month because these poems demand to be savoured. Don't read them on a crowded bus. People will look at you funny. His words insist on being read aloud. Lines and whole poems beg to be repeated over and over and even copied.
This is glorious mentor text: both inspirational and intimidating. His work feels like a cross between Robert Service and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. My brother (who I just had to share some of these with) claims Deepcity Blues is like poetry from a Sam Spade novel. A Testament of Hills reveals what it means to be a west coast logger.
Peter Trower was a Vancouver poet who's fame is mostly restricted to the west coast. He deserves to be read more widely!