A review by ninjapanda
Three Seeking Stars by Avi Silver


I enjoyed the first book, but wow I enjoyed this one even more! The whole concept of gender is so fascinating to me. And the giant lizards??? And so much queer rep. I loved everything about this. 

I loved seeing Sohmeng and Hei's relationship in the first book, and in this one it grows even more. But we also get to see both of them with a new character, Ahn. I really enjoyed learning more about him, where he's from and his past relationship. You slowly learn more an more as the book goes on. I still have questions about his past that I'm eager to hopefully see explored in the last book. I'm also excited to see where his relationship with Sohmeng and Hei goes in the future.

I didn't realize it's going to be a trilogy until I picked up this book. I'm so looking forward to reading the last book to see the bond of the 3 characters and what will happen with the hmuns.