A review by darynnmark
Dooku: Jedi Lost by Cavan Scott


This "book" was a bit of a struggle. It's really more of the performance of a screenplay than a book, with an ensemble cast and the great majority of the book relayed through dialogue.
Even though it's short, a ton of plot points are packed into it. First is the frame story of Asajj Ventress, the PoV character, who is both trying to know her new master Count Dooku and find his sister. She battles with the voice of her Jedi master trying to pull her back into the light (obviously failing).
Meanwhile, she listens to holos and journals of Dooku and we get all of the major events that led Dooku from youngling to padawan to master and finally leaving the order. It doesn't specifically connect us to him becoming Palpatine's apprentice, though there are hints dropped in.
My primary issue was the loose threads of plot - many of the events are only tangentially related, and they switch gears quickly. I liked the resolution and felt like it did overall explain Dooku, though it's a struggle to see how the Jedi completely missed what he would become. I know they made a lot of mistakes leading to the rise of Palpatine, but Dooku was even closer, directly tied to Yoda, and completely missed.