A review by poorashleu
Perfect Lies by Kiersten White


Originally posted at yAdultReview

I happliy reviewed the first book in this series here. Which is why it will come to no surprise when I saw this on Edelweiss I knew I had to read it. This book picks up very quickly after the first one ends. It has the same narrators, Annie and Fia, and has the same dual timeline. While the dual timeline got old for me after awhile, the dual point of view didn’t. I enjoyed Fia’s sarcasm, and Annie continuously being Annie. White even through in a Hunger Games reference which was spot on for this year of pop culture.

There is a heavier mention of boys in this book, with James for Fia and Adam for Annie, but I spent the whole book questioning both of them. Which is weird for me. I tend to trust White’s love interests ASAP, but these two sent off my DANGER WILL ROBINSON vibe for most of the book. Particularly when James called Fia “pet.” It made me shudder, every. single. time. Hint for men out there, call me “Pet” I will bitch face you. Not even lovingly. Just a flat out bitch face.

This story seemed all about Annie and Fia becoming more confident in who they are. Which was a nice change from the first book, where they were clearly, and understandably not sure. This book also showed a side of both characters where it was better to be content with who you are than who you should be.

This book is much, much stronger than the first. There is absolutely no question about that. I am still a firm believer that this duology should have been one book. It would have worked and flowed easier if it was one book, but it is a solid sequel. I continue to look forward to what White has to bring to the YA table.