A review by paddlefoot55
Dirty Rich Cinderella Story: Ever After by Lisa Renee Jones


ARC received for an honest review

Welcome back to Lisa's world of corporate high flyers, dirty deals and even dirtier men!

I had to go back and read what Cole and Lori's first book was about, as I have terrible bookzheimer's and forgot what the deal was with them - but after a quick read through of my review I remembered!

I was expecting more of a honeymoon novella for this one, and whilst we did get that, this story was much more.

It was more drama and suspense and bad guys than I was expecting. That's not a bad thing at all, just took me by surprise a little.

I did find myself struggling a bit to get involved in this story, and I am not sure what is going on there as I always fall into a LRJ story. I also felt that this story was very slow, and too much naked time (say what?!?) - however this could just be me.

I did love getting more of Lori and Cole's story, and am looking forward to the second books for the other peeps in this series.

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