A review by pilgrimgossip
I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson


YA is so much better than it was when i was a YA

I don't have a lot to say, because I'm being lazy today, not because they're isn't so much to talk about with this book. It's just a great story. I 'm jealous of this authors talent, especially the way she writes as Noah. It's inspiring.

My only complaint (spoiler coming up if you haven't read the book yet you best stop reading this review) is that i really really wish we could have gotten to read first hand the moment Brian and noah reunited. It happened off camera so to speak, but i needed more than that. I took away a whole star just for that reason.

As good as this book is, it's the Noah and brain story that kept me turning the pages and i felt cheated that i didn't get more. Much more. I'm getting kind of angry now thinking about it. It's still a good book though.