A review by gypsybaby75
Skinny Bitch Gets Hitched by Kim Barnouin


Following in the footsteps of Skinny Bitch in Love comes Skinny Bitch gets Hitched, after all what comes after love? The ever popular author of the Skinny Bitch cookbooks has come out writing romance!

And it’s hilarious. Seriously. I couldn’t stop laughing. Mostly from the secondary characters. Isn’t that always the case though? And why am I talking in fragments?

Now, I can’t remember everything about this book because I was supposed to write this review like a hundred years ago and that’s when I read the book.

And a hundred years in book blogging years in relation to reading and then reviewing is like a couple months. At least it is for me, and probably the authors who are counting on me to write a review.

Sorry Kim. Err, Mrs. Barnouin.

Yes, I realize I’m wasting space. But really all I can remember about the book is that Clementine owns a vegan café and her fiancé Zach owns a steakhouse. Zach has a zany younger sister, who becomes Clem’s annoying protégée, but time heals everything and they end up becoming good friends and even sisters in the end. And Zach’s mother is haughty, but comes down a peg or two towards the end of the book. There is strife between Zach and Clem because like a woman she thinks Zach’s distance means he’s having an affair, there is a little heat between Clem and her sous chef, but it was so insignificant I don’t remember it.

But, trust me when I say you should pick this particular title up pronto. You will fall in love with The No Crap Café and all the characters involved.

I haven’t read the first book in this series, Skinny Bitch in Love. It was a bummer jumping into the middle of a romance, but I don’t think I would want to go backwards in a series anyway.