A review by brighroosh
The Bastard Brigade: The True Story of the Renegade Scientists and Spies Who Sabotaged the Nazi Atomic Bomb by Sam Kean


The review on Goodreads for this book is 100% true. In places it reads like a spy thriller - I could picture the action clearly of the scientists who, for example, braved bad weather conditions to carry out missions. It would make a great serial show on HBO, Netflix, or other.

Kean explains why finding where they made "heavy water" was so important. Why tracking down uranium that had gone missing was imperative. Because you learn how those are needed to make nuclear fission, and further to prove an atomic bomb was possible.

I felt like I got to know the characters, so I was glad Kean gives details of what happened to everyone after the war. And after their stories had come so alive in the book, I was sad at their inevitable passing.