A review by leelah
Jet by Russell Blake


This was January MCT read, and it didn't quite work for me...

Story is what blurb says(except Lizbeth Salander comparison). So,read a blurb, and imagine every possible cliche involving girl who was once an operative and you'll get [b:Jet|16064853|Jet (Jet, #1)|Russell Blake|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1349273706s/16064853.jpg|21855201].

JET features a new breed of protagonist that breaks the mold.

I have to point this part of blurb, because "new breed of protagonist" in this case means borrowing from:
1. La Femme Nikita
I don't mean just that they are both operatives but
Spoilershe is in a forbidden relationship with her superior, and he helps her arranging her own death with explosion on a mission.But Michael was way more complex and cooler then David.

2. Kill Bill
This kind of pissed me off
Spoilershe pees on a stick, finds out she is pregnant and decided she doesn't want to work as a killer any more. Her baby died on birth, just to be told in the end that her baby is alive.

It reminded me also of Sydney Bristow from Alias and Stephanie Patrick from Mark Bullner series, but that wasn't big of a deal. Female operative should all be sexy, bad-ass, multilingual and masters of disguise. Same plot devices bugged me. It was predictable. It was meh read for me. Guns were cool, though...