A review by bookwormbunny
Soul of the Vampire King by Bella Klaus


Soul of the Vampire King is book three in Bella Klaus's Blood Fire Saga. While this book picks up where book two left off, I found myself having mixed feelings about this book as it went along. Where things left off with book two Mera was finally meeting with the woman who birthed her for the first time after a disastrous attempt to save and free her Aunt whom she believed to be being held prisoner by the Supernatural Council. Valentine has been left behind at the mercy of the Mage and Demon Kings. Mera is a wanted woman for her blood, her flames, and her soul. Things are looking dark for her, but now she has to get the firestone out of her blood if she is ever to access her phoenix flames to truly save Valentine.
Soul of the Vampire King is a mixed bag of a story for me. This book has some really engaging moments, and then there are swaths of the story that just drag on with filler. We get introduced to some new characters with this book, and make some strange discoveries as well. Things get a bit twisted and dark with Jonathan's persistence in pursuing Mera despite her many showings of disinterest in him romantically.
While I enjoy the overall storyline, I hate to say it, but I'm honestly to the point of exasperation with Mera. Just when I think that she's finally growing she majorly disappoints me. I need her to develop a backbone and get some sense. She's too wishy washy for me. She has moments of where she acts with focus and strength, but more often than not she acts confused and unfocused. It gets annoying when she's so easily distracted by different things, especially when she knows just how much is at stake all around her and not just with her either.
Now, this book does have some seriously good moments that engaged me back into the story and kept me page turning. I wanted more of them though. While the previous books had what I would classify as "soft" cliffhangers, this book has a more interesting cliffhanger. It's still pretty soft, meaning I'm not on the edge of my seat, but it has me more interested in what happens next this time.
I'm rating this book 4 out of 5 stars. This storyline and series needs a bit more focus, and to start moving along sooner. Things were dragged for too long and I was tempted to skim sections. Things are starting to get in gear, but I can only hope the storyline kicks into gear with the installment and doesn't continue to be dragged out over several more books.