A review by bookjockey
Girl Giant and the Monkey King by Van Hoang


Girl Giant and the Monkey King is a creative and engaging take on the meet-the-gods genre. Thom is not only battling the popular bullies on her soccer team, she also has to hide her growing super strength. When she accidentally frees a demon demigod, she might finally get the chance to remove her curse, or find out it's not a curse after all.

This story is full of well-realized characters and mythology that will be new to many readers. Also there's Kha, who I would have immediately fallen in *squee* love with as a tween. The last third of the book is non-stop. I cannot wait to read the sequel. I would recommend it to any kid who feels like they don't belong.

Also, it's super satisfying to read something by someone you know and discover it's pretty great. :)