A review by willbreinholt
The Throne of Fire, by Rick Riordan


Most of my complaints about this book are complaints about Rick Riordan in general.
His plots can be a little formulaic. Sometimes it seems like we’re just running from one mythological action set piece to another, which gets old.
I think Greek mythology is a better fit for rick’s writing style than Egyptian. And as cool and unique as Egyptian mythology is, it can get so confusing.
Sometimes rick’s humor comes across as a middle aged man trying to appeal to teenagers, or maybe I’ve just outgrown his books.
That being said, there was some things I loved about this book. I LOVE Sadie. She’s such a baddie, but she’s such a strong and memorable character that sometimes she overshadows carter, who is a little more forgettable. Don’t get me wrong though, I do love carter! He is endearing because he’s so dorky.
I like that the central battle of the trilogy is between chaos and order. Idk it’s just interesting. I also like the whole house of life vs. the gods power struggle. I’m invested in carter and zia and Sadie and Walt/Anubis. I’m sad because I know Sadie will probably end up with Walt, but she and Anubis have such good chemistry.
I think I would have enjoyed this more if I hadn’t waited so long to read it after the first book. And I really didn’t remember much from the first. I hate to say it, but Rick riordan’s plots have a way of completely leaving my mind the moment I put the book down. It happened with Percy Jackson too. This book ended up taking me wayyyy longer than I thought it would. Who knows if or when I’ll read the third one. Overall a fun time, even though I wasn’t very engaged. Probably just outgrowing these books. Rip