A review by thegeekyblogger
4th of July by James Patterson


Listened for fun (Audible)
Overall Rating: 3.75
Story Rating: 3.50
Character Rating: 4.00

Audio Rating: 3.00 (not part of the overall rating)

First Thought When Finished: I love the new member of the team but the story was a little all over the place!

Speed Date Review:

First Date: 4th of July started with a bang! We hit it off right from the beginning with a fast and furious pace. It worked so well until we got drug to court. At that point, our mutual love fest hit a snag!

Second Date: We got a new member to the Murder Club! She is a perfect fit into this crafty group of women. It is too bad that her part was highlighted with a bit of drama that I think was overdone. I did love her closing statement though. There was just to much going on between the court drama and the secondary case that Lindsey is involved with. Something had to give and unfortunately that was rushed storytelling and over the top dramatics.

Third Date: The secondary case comes to a fast and furious end. There were some twists and turns that hooked me back into the story the last few chapters. With this my love affair is reignited and I am reminded of why I fell in love with the first place. The Murder Club and I will be spending time together in the future. I need to know more about them!

Audio Thoughts:
Narrated by Carolyn McCormick

These are relatively quick listens. Carolyn does an excellent job with voices, pacing, and emotion. I really enjoy her narration. However, the sound effects are HORRID and way overdone. Many times the distracting music tracks pulled me out of the story. In some cases, it even drowned out the narrator. I just was not a fan! I keep sticking with the audio hoping that these will eventually go away. We will see!

Relationship Status: Still Dating!