A review by cuppa_curiositea
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People/ The 8th Habit by Stephen R. Covey


There were a few eye-opening takeaways that I got out of this book, but a lot of it is targeted towards people who care more about being productive than about being human, which is a mindset that I have recently escaped and don't wish to venture into again. He even has a disclaimer at the end of the book that none of his teachings are original, just a compilation of things that he has learned from other people and resources along the way. I appreciated the attempts at sensitivity and inclusivity of other belief systems, but the author makes it very clear that be believes in a specific path, which felt contradictory to his "everyone is right" and "seek to understand" chapters. I also could never get on board with his P/PC and synergy talk. Those are both foundational to his methods, so I found myself skimming a lot when his personal, self-affirming jargon got too concentrated.