A review by geethr75
The Thirteenth Hour by Trudy Skies


This has been on my TBR for a long time, and I finally got around to reading it. All I can say is that this book didn't disappoint. As an SPFBO finalist, I had a great many expectations and this book met and exceeded all of them.

I loved Kayl, the bumbling MC, a Vesper, whose speciality is shadows and who is under the rule of Valeria, one of the 12 Cruel Gods of the title. Kayl is part of a group calling themselves the Godless since they believe that the Gods are cruel, uncaring and shouldn't have a say in a mortal's life. Over the course of the first few chapters, we see how cruel and capricious the Gods are, and how mortals are bound to their whims.

The other MC, is a Diviner, Quen, who is also a Warden, the law enforcers of the city of Chime which is a domain that's supposedly free of the Gods' influence and where technically mortals belonging to all domains are considered equal. The reality is far otherwise, however. The Diviner have power over time, but Quen's powers also include seeing someone's last moments and seeing the moment of their death.

I don't want to spoil anything but this is a thrilling plot, with romance, angst, friendship, found family, redemption and heartbreak. The ending made me want to grab the second book immediately and I'm 5 chapters in already!

The only thing that's saddening is having to wait MONTHS for the last book now.

This book will appeal to anyone who loves fantasy, gods, magic, secondary worlds with characters who are real and relatable.

I adored this, and I would absolutely recommend this to EVERYONE who loves fantasy.