A review by andrearbooks
After Anna by Lisa Scottoline


After Anna by Lisa Scottoline was another thriller that just hit the spot as this author seems to always do, and I'm so here for that. What I really liked about this one was the way the story was told. The story begins with Dr. Noah Alderman being on trial for the death of his stepdaughter Anna. This is the after part. This alternates with chapters of the before when Anna showed up to live with Dr. Alderman and his wife Maggie. This was a really compelling way to tell the story as you were able to piece together what might have happened with how the relationship began and also see where things evolved via the happenings in the trial. The twists and turns of this one were fascinating given the dual timelines. You really wondered how all of this converged, and it kept me turning the pages to continue to piece together all sides of this story. One thing I've learned about Lisa Scottoline as this is my third of her novels is she goes hard on the sensational reveals. There's one twist, but then they keep coming with that. It's not a critique at all, but it definitely is interesting to see the big endings happen. And y'all, whoa, whoa on this ending. I sort of started to put this together, but what transpired was something. I'm so thankful I have found the work of Lisa Scottoline. Sometimes I just need that great thriller in my life, and she always delivers.