A review by tashrow
Nabeel's New Pants: An Eid Tale by Fawzia Gilani-Williams, Proiti Roy


Nabeel had a busy day selling shoes, now he was ready to buy his family gifts for Eid. He purchased a burqa for his wife, a dupatta for his mother, and bangles for his daughter. On his way out, the shopkeeper recommended that Nabeel buy himself some new pants since his were worn and patched. Nabeel agreed, but the only pants there were 4 fingers too long. Once he got home, Nabeel gave his wife her gift but she was too busy to shorten his pants for him. His mother was given her gift, but she was also too busy to shorten his pants before Eid. Mariam, his daughter also was too busy. So Nabeel went home and shortened the pants himself, 4 fingers. His wife found time too to shorten the pants 4 fingers. His mother came over and also shortened them 4 fingers. Finally, his daughter too shortened the pants. Now what was Nabeel to wear to Eid?

With the feel of a classic tale, this book offers a universal style of folktale with plenty of repetition and cumulative action. Children of all cultures will immediately feel at home here. Gilani-Williams has kept the text tight and focused, making a great read aloud Muslim story. Even when the humor is unfolding, the text keeps a straight tone that adds even more humor. Roy’s illustrations have a classic feel to them merged with a cartoon style.

A clearly Muslim tale with a universal feel, this book is perfect for any public library collection. It will fit in well with story times or units about clothing or celebrations. Appropriate for ages 4-7.