A review by becsa
Crescent Hill by Jackie Y. Wang


Roman Finnegan is a hotel "fixer-upper". He comes in to save struggling hotels, sometimes funded by his own money when it's clear that the hotels can't survive without him. When he leaves England to take on a hotel in the US it's clear that there is a reason that this hotel is suffering.

Yet maybe Roman can't even save this one. With the owners, Langston and Mercy Mary Beth Summers fighting him every step of the way, inedible food, someone stealing money and enough mounted animals to make a taxidermist proud.

But the one positive seems to be Magnolia "Maggie" Summers, the owners daughter who tries to make everything go as smoothly as possible. But Maggie has her own issues and letting Roman get close to her is not in the plans.

As Roman tries to get closer to Maggie more secrets are revealed and as his date for leaving gets closer he tries to persuade her to come back with him. But Maggie isn't ready to leave her past behind on her and she may choose that over uncertainty.

Wow! This book is great! There were definitely some things that I was not expecting and Roman definitely had his work cut out for him!

I really liked Roman and the fact that he did some of these renovations from the goodness of his heart and just wanted people to succeed. He is definitely a good guy but gets frustrated when he tries to help and people don't want to implement his changes. He is extremely attracted to Maggie but she has reservations from her own part that make her think that she isn't worth his love.

This family definitely has many issues and a lot of it comes with never coming to terms with their past and their loss. Mercy especially clings onto the past and not wanting to make changes as it means moving on and she struggles with that. When Roman makes the family discuss everything it clears a lot up and makes everything easier.

Maggie is living with so much guilt that it doesn't allow her to be happy in the present. She is completely dedicated to her boys and her family but doesn't do anything to be happy and allow herself to move on. She blames herself and is trying to make up for it which isn't helping anyone.

I really loved how our opinions changed about certain people in the book and definitely hope everything works out for everyone involved!!

Great read and looking forward to the next book by the author!