A review by zellian
The Dangerous Book for Boys CD by Conn Iggulden, Hal Iggulden


I got the Audiobook version, if you're wanting to read this book I would suggest to instead get the physical book. I found it was a lot of information all at once and there were some parts where it seemed like they had visuals that had been provided that I unfortunately did not have. It feels like a book you read in parts, not something where you sit down and burn through it in a couple of hours.

As an audiobook it can come off as a bit "Info-dumpy" as they go through history of men in wars and Europe, to clouds and astrology and some great lines from Shakespeare's work. It's a book filled more with interesting facts, trivia and stories. Though some of these things are now outdated, you still might learn a thing or two. Its also centralized around Europe and UK, might have some readers outside find some parts don't apply to them or hard to relate to.

I would reccomend this for Pre-Teen and up, or for those younger they may need an adult every now and then as I feel like it might need to be broken down a bit more for some.