A review by lovemydolphins
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne


Ugh. This book was just...ugh.
I get that it's a classic, but the writing style annoyed me. Apparently Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote it to make it seem even more old-style than the time period in which it was written. Seriously, there were so many run-on sentences, dashes everywhere, multiple (and I mean too many) thoughts in a sentence, punctuation such as commas everywhere, etc.
As for the story, it was decently interesting. I found myself semi-invested in the story. Unfortunately, I can't call it a "page turner" because the writing style really turned me off. I think that if the writing style was simply...normal, I'd really like this book. But it wasn't.
Story: 4 of 5 stars
Writing style: 1 of 5 stars (maybe even zero)