A review by floppybutton
Leave The Night On by Laura Trentham


3.5 Give-‘Em-Something-to-Talk-About Stars!!!

My Wyatt & Sutton:

Wyatt is the mechanic extraordinaire. Yes, please. I have a soft spot for dirty mechanics. He works in his family-owned garage with his 3 brothers. He’s known Sutton since they were kids, but they grew up on different sides of the river. Wyatt has had a crush on Sutton since they were kids, but she was from another world, compared to his.

Sutton is….was engaged. Without spoiling anything, her heart is broken early in the book, and Wyatt happens to be right there when it happens. A quick bond is formed between them, and to save face, Sutton volunteers Wyatt to be her fake relationship to get back at her previous fiancé.

To Sutton, Wyatt is dangerous. Her feelings are honeyed and gooey and a little bit scary. I loved the attraction between them. Wyatt is the perfect blend of sexy, good guy with an edge. He is the adventure in life that Sutton needs. It was a slow burn, but worth it in the end.

à la Mode St. » fashion

“I heard you’re good with your…wrench.” Her glace down as instinctive as her retreat had been. She held her breath in the ensuing stillness.

“Out of all the tools available, you didn’t pick screwdriver?” He bobbed in to lay a kiss on the tip of her nose. “You’re so dang cute.”

à la Mode St. » fashion

I love me a good fake relationship story, especially when it starts to become a little less fake. I loved the small-town, southern feel of this book. It was relaxing and these two were so adorable. I had been wanting to read Laura Trentham for a while, and I’m so glad I finally did.

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

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