A review by prationality
Nephilim Falling by Felicia Beasley


Precusor to a new urban fantasy (I think?) series this was quite engaging. I do think it was much more exposition happy than I tend to enjoy however.

Also Team Wes. If that's a thing. Mostly because dude Lucas rubbed me the wrong way.

Lex is the kind of UF heroine, whether its YA, NA or other, that we're all super familiar with now. She's tough, ballsy, wants to prove herself and is reckless as she tries to. She has natural skills, but lacks the finesse of experience and constantly seems to worry about the wrong thing at the wrong time.

Oh and she's got special powers, tragic (and somewhat vague) family history, one guy who is Gaga over her and another who seems to want to ignore he is (for his own reasons) and a best friend who is the bubbliest creature ever.

Actually one of the few missteps here was the ending when Elena and Lex have a reckoning. It was very rushed feeling, and it didn't gel with the Elena we had met throughout the book. It was rather contrived feeling in order to set up the plot for the first book, which is set 7 years later.
While I appreciated their fight/falling out wasn't over a guy, that scene was handled REALLY MATURELY which was a breath of fresh air, I do think Elena's reaction to finding out Lex is part demon was WAYYYY overblown and abrupt.

Lastly gods damn it, Damian almost ranks next to Tadashi as best big bro
with similar gods damn results
. Overall I enjoyed this enough that I want to continue the series.