A review by jenbsbooks
Geekerella by Ashley Poston


While I adore Jane Austen Fan Fiction, I don't always get into retellings of fairy tales. But this Cinderella remix was included in AudiblePlus, and I was ready for something light and fun. This fit the bill. A contemporary setting, very focused on a "Starflield" series, which similar to Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potty, LOTR, has a very large (fictional) fan following. It was fun to learn more about this make believe book/movie series. A "con" (ala comicon) also plays a big part, with all the fans of this (and the other aforementioned series, which as also real in this universe) come together for panels, pictures, autographs, contests for best costumes ...

Here, the "Cinderella" is "Elle" is Danielle (it's always interesting to see what the actual name is in these repurposed stories). Living with her stepmonster after her father passed away. Two step-sisters. Not absolutely abusive as in the traditional tale, but still unfair treatment. Fun to see how the other elements were modernized and worked in. There is a dress, a slipper, a ball, a pumpkin "coach"/foodtruck. Not really a fairy-godmother, just a friend who is a seamstress. A literal Prince (at least in the Starfield series).

This was cute and fun.