A review by the_evergrowing_library
Mystery Walk by Robert R. McCammon


A supernatural coming of age story with a strong good vs evil edge.

Billy Creekmore has the gifts of his mother and her mother before them: the ability to act as a medium for the lingering dead, helping them pass onto the other side.
The other side of the coin is Wayne falconer, son of an evangelical preacher, with the ability to heal the injured.
Both boys are tormented by the sinister and calculating Shape changer, a force for evil in the world.

If you’re on a Chronological McCammon journey, this is a turning point. I would say this is where we see him cast off the obvious horror tropes in favour of putting his own flair into things. While it still feels like he’s finding his feet, it’s infinitely less categorised than his previous works and the writing style really shows a growth in step with that.
The prose is wonderful and what I’ve come to expect from his works and placing this one in his home region definitely added layers of richness for visual description of the towns involved.

I found the book itself to be a great read even though it does meander at times and leave you confused about the larger plot. The ending for me also felt a bit anticlimactic and left me with questions, but you can’t win ‘em all!