A review by andrew61
Dancing Fish and Ammonites: A Memoir by Penelope Lively


This is a memoir by Penelope Lively written as she reached 80 and is a series of reflections upon her life, ageing,memory and the importance of books and objects. If you have enjoyed Moon Tiger as I did, this book would make a perfect companion read as so much of it mirrors themes in the novel and her writing style. Certainly every word feels as though she has carefully crafted them as a sculptor would a piece of clay. I particularly liked the chapter that was simply a series of random memories which is how we often think, how often do we suddenly find unbidden a random memory enters our head. The last chapter picks out 5 objects that have importance to her and had me looking on shelves and bedside table wondering what long forgotten piece of nonsense evokes a sense of time or place. Well worth a read.