A review by brits_bomb_books
The Black Key by Amy Ewing


These books are a bit of a conundrum for me. As I read them, I'm drawn in by the story and excited to keep reading, but after I finish all I can think about are the parts that bother me. Kind of like watching reality television.

The Black Key picks up with Violet deciding to disguise herself and return to the house of the Duchess of the Lake in an attempt to rescue her sister. Meanwhile, the society of the White Rose continues building the rebellion and plotting the attack on the Jewel. Ash disappears to try and win over the rest of the companions to their cause, giving the rebellion access to trained fighters who are familiar with the royalty and the layout of the city.

Overall, this series is one that is hard to put down once you pick it up, and if you go in looking for just something to entertain, you won't be disappointed. For me, there were just a few too many plot points thrown in for shock value and to create unnecessary conflict (it's the last book - the conflict should already be established...). Suspending belief and patience with frustrating characters helps a lot while reading these, but like I said - there's just something about this series that draws you in!

Read this if you:
- liked The Selection series
- would most likely blow your cover while spying
- enjoy filling in the gaps