A review by ninjabunneh
Another Little Piece by Kate Karyus Quinn


Give me strange, creepy, gory, bizarre any day of the week in a book. As a pre-teen and teen my nose could be found in Stephen King, Dean Koontz, John Saul, just to name a few. Horror novels were my middle name. Fast forward *cough* a few years and here I am reading YA books way past my allowed expiration date. So when I saw that this book was, in essence, a horror YA novel mirroring the likes of my fav Mr. King, I was like *happy dance*. This story just left me exhausted. So convoluted and just darn right confusing. And not confusing/mind-fucking in a good Inception kind of way. I actually found myself fighting to stay awake reading it and not completely flouncing. The premise and idea behind the book sound great and oh so intriguing. It's just there is no cohesiveness or explanation to so so so many things that warrant explaining. I'm sorry to say I can't rate this better than 2 stars. I had higher hopes for a book that seemed right up my alley.