A review by liferhi_inspired
Intimate Geography by Tamsen Parker


4.5 Stars

Intimate is the second book in Cris and India's story, and should be read after reading Personal Geography as this book picks up where that book ended.

If you were a fan of the intense, while still tender relationship between Cris and India in the first book, you'll love the even more in this second part. I loved the tenderness that we were able to see between in the first part of this series, and the tenderness only continues as India begins to slowly open up to Cris.

While we were given some of the back story that has haunted India's past, this story really brings those faults to the forefront. And as India struggles with her feelings, Cris is there and just as patient as always. India really evolves in this book into a more well rounded woman, though she still struggles to open up to those around her.

Many of the things that I love about this first book, were also present in this one. The fast paced storyline, the D/s scenes that were both intense and sweet, and the vulnerable yet strong heroine. The one thing that I wasn't as excited about how quickly a couple of the scenes evolved, ending too quickly and felt a bit incomplete.

*I received a copy of this book i exchange for my honest opinion*