A review by teenykins
Hunt the Wood by Anna Fury, Amy Pennza


So... I'm a bit torn... Wotan and Ryder were HAWT!!! Seriously sizzling hot and I loved their interactions, but we spent a lot of time in their musings with nothing really happening so the book felt looooong and I started skimming after the 63%

I would have liked a little bit to have developed on page between those two, through dialogue, not that their ILUS weren't believable but just a tad unsubstantiated. Especially since when one moment Wotan says things to push Ryder away and the next they are going at it in the woods and Wotan is making him his mate.

The story line about Ryder's grandmother took its sweet time to develop, while those two were humming and hawing their relationship, and was resolved quite quickly.

I am curious about Rune's story though so I'll be definitely diving into the next one.