A review by milceymoo
The Life We Never Expected: Hopeful Reflections on the Challenges of Parenting Children with Special Needs by Rachel Wilson, Andrew Wilson


A lot of the special needs literature out there is written by been there, done that, seasoned parents and professionals. Which is totally fine and definitely helpful.

But sometimes, especially for someone like me who is brand new to this walk of life, you desperately want to hear from someone who is in the trenches with you. At that's exactly what this book is. Andrew and Rachel have two young autistic children, and while they don't know everything there is to know about special needs or parenting they do have a beautiful outlook on the hope, grief, loss, love, and all of the other challenges and feelings that come with special needs parenting. Their faith is contagious and their focus on eternity has helped me shift my perspective.

The chapters are short which are perfect for when you just need small bursts of encouragement throughout the day. This is great read for anyone who is going through something tough (doesn't have to be special needs related) and wants to feel a little less alone and lot closer to God.