A review by blackromanceconnoisseur
Behind The Scenes by Christina C. Jones

challenging funny hopeful inspiring medium-paced


<strong>A Perfectly Imperfect Man Loving A Wonderful Woman</strong>

This gets a ‘highly recommend’ from me. I love Pierre so much, I love that the author wrote him imperfect but he was not completely dependent  on those around him, he was an active participant in his recovery/healing—love to see it. I enjoyed how much of a boss babe Logan was, she was so professional no matter what and I loved to see her stand up for herself  without dropping her crown.  The chemistry was COMING off the pages honey! I was over here cheesing like he was talking to me lmao!  Also love how supportive Pierre’s family was and how much they supported Logan and Pierre. She held her secret a bit long but its cool, it’s dramatic and we need that. Pierre was sexy as hell, that is all. 

Other notes:

Pierre and those grills 🥵
Sienna can STILL catch these hands—til’ this day
I would watch the TV series.
Logan’s parents were a bit raggedy.

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