A review by guinness74
V for Vendetta, by Alan Moore


So, I've now seen the movie and read the "book." Actually, before I get started on that...can someone please explain the difference between a graphic novel and a comic book collection? They seem to be one and the same. Regardless, I've been entering the graphic novel world gently as of late, sort of testing the waters to see if it's my sort of thing. I like the fast pace of the reading, and this particular novel tested my intellectual skill. Moore is an excellent writer there is no doubt. Mr. Lloyd's artwork left a little more to be desired in my opinion, and possibly it's the age of this particular work, but I just found it lacking. Also, the movie seemed to be "inspired" by the book, more so than based upon. Still, both works are entertaining and engaging in their own right. I am not sold on the graphic novel just yet, but I haven't given up on it either. However, if you're looking for a novelization of the film, this is not it. Certainly the players are there and there is some overlap in story, but the two are markedly different.