A review by laurenstbr
Fears to Fierce by Jennifer Nadel, Brita Fernandez Schmidt, Gillian Anderson


I’ve admired Brita for many years now so I had high hopes for this book, and it did not disappoint.

I often struggle to find the meaning in books relating to self development because I can never see the writers practice what they preach in a way that has clear, meaningful impact. I don’t want to shrink this book down to a message about career, but I am so grateful that much of Brita’s work with Women for Women has been done publicly, because it becomes easy to see the good that adopting some of the values and taking some of the steps mentioned in the book can have. All the steps are very clear and concise, and actually feel very doable! I practiced a few of the recommended actions as I was reading the book, but I’ve made notes of so many I want to remember as tools moving forward as I think they could be so valuable.

The personal stories that inform the self development steps are EVERYTHING, and they range from everyday occurrences to stories of women who have had their lives significantly impacted by conflict. What I love the most is the focus on allowing yourself to be inspired, and how one person being inspired can have an enormous ripple effect (but can also be meaningful even if it only ever touches one person!). As much as this book is a guide to overcoming fear and owning your fierce, it equally feels like a love letter to everyone that has ever inspired Brita.

I think there’s something for everyone in this book, whether you are trying to learn how to own your fierce or if you just need some reassurance that human kindness still exists!