A review by somarostam
Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway


I chose to read this book just by chance. I didn't know what it was about, I haven't read the blurb. So, I dove totally blind into this one, and I cannot believe how much I liked it.
Audrey dumps Evan. And then he writes her a song "Audrey, Wait!". And then, the song becomes a sensation. Now, everyone knows Audrey's name. The cameras follow her around. And nothing is staying private anymore. But alongside all that, there's the guy she knew forever, James, always there for her. But Audrey still has to choose between fame and her normal life.
I always like books that have a little bit of the celebrity-life in them. And I really liked it that Robin Benway tried to explain the down side of being famous. And she nailed it. The whole concept of this book is well-developed. The plot is swift-moving, it is at times slow, but that's what you come to expect from contemporary books. And I didn't mind it.
The main characters are three-dimensional. Audrey is a typical teenager. She makes her mistakes, she has flaws, but she is altogether a great girl. And she feels real. You could connect with her on so many different levels. Most of the focus of this book has been given to Audrey, and the other characters were not really well-developed. I didn't mind that, either. But I DID wish that they were a little more developed.
The romance is at its very peak. It's sweet, slow, and real. of course, there are no overly steamy moments. and they are teenagers. They make mistakes, which is definitely normal. I liked the author's approach on the romance avenue. It didn't jump from "like" to "love" and I appreciated that.
Overall, this book is a cute summer read. One that you can enjoy on the beach, or on your front porch on a sunny day. One that is not overlly deep or supernatural, but is a picture of real life with a touch of fiction. And who doesn't like a twist to their normal lives?