A review by habibaaibrahim
Unforgettable by Shantel Tessier


Another amazing book in this series. I loved it. It wasn't what I expected, but still I was surprised.

I thought Tate was going to stop this hiding his true self and open up to Missy from the start. But no such thing happened, they had to go through hell just so they could be together they both want to!

I loved the appearance of the other characters! It was a perfect bonus.
Patrick still irritates me sometimes.

How can somebody be so strong yet so weak at certain times?
Missy is a perfect example. She was a mixture of both! Sometimes I thought she was 100% strong, but then BOOM! She surprises me and her weakness rears its ugly head.

"And I do the only thing I know to do. I’m not a monster like him. She has taught me that. I once told her that I would sacrifice myself to save here. And she has shown me that when you have a chance-take it. Here is my chance."~

I started loving Tate like in the last 5% of this book. He got on my nerves. I hated how he locked himself and his emotions inside while everybody just fought for him! I hated how he treated Missy most of the time.
I agree with him, he doesn't deserve her.

"How do you know when you’re in love? It’s a question that has confused the hell out of me. They say you have to love yourself before you can love another. I find that hard to believe. Which leads me to another question. How does a man like me go from hating the world and yourself to loving someone?
You don’t. That’s the only answer I can come up with."~

This book had the fighting, the sacrifice, letting go, forgiving and trying to forget and move on.
I believe Missy was the strong and brave one in this relationship. She is a woman worth fighting for.
It was the perfect package and an amazing telling of Missy and Tate's story.
Their story was unforgettable and
I wouldn't ask for more. Or maybe a novella on how the future turned out for both of them! *runs*

"I thought she was my weakness, but it turns out she was my strength. The strength that keeps me looking forward everyday instead of what lies behind us. And for that I will always tell her how much she means to me and just how much I love her."~